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Thursday, November 15, 2012

Jailbreak Update 11/15/2012

          I'm going to do this article a little different today let me know how you like it. I'm going to write what happened in the jailbreaking community in chronological order.OK here we go.

     November 9: p0sixninja or Joshua Hill posted a tweet "The current status of a iPhone 5 jailbreak is grim. I'm working on something bigger and few people share with me anymore." Now at this point we don't know what he's talking about but it gets much better... @133tdawg tweeted "@p0sixninja What could be bigger than an iPhone 5 jailbreak?" And then p0sixninja let the world know "BootROM and decryption keys for A5/A5X/A6/A6X" So after that post the jailbreaking community had gone crazy, but the sad part was most of us that were exited had really thought to much of that statement. p0sixninja didn't have a jailbreak around the corner and even if he did it would take a while to be a public download. So MuscleNerd came in and cleared things up tweeting "BootROM hasn't even been dumped since 2010, let alone crashed or exploited."

      November 10: p0sixninja and 133tdawg are still talking about that BootROM idea that p0sixninja is working on and p0sixninja tells 133tdawg "I've been making some good progress." So p0sixninja could be going somewhere with this idea that seems slightly crazy.

     November 12: The only important thing that happened on the 12th was very exiting, planetbeing showed a picture of his iPhone 5 running IntelliScreen X!

     November 13: This is the last day in the update on the 13th once again planetbeing posted something he tweeted "Can't say much, but we're still missing critical pieces so it's not releaseable right now." So the good thing is it might be almost done.
     And with that I'm going to leave you with some websites that are frauds.

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