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Monday, October 22, 2012

Soft DFU Mode

Got stuck in soft DFU mode today i've never been in it before its kinda scary because iTunes cant restore it in soft DFU mode so i thought i would tell you how to get out of it. Since redsn0w cant help you either all you do is hold the power and home button for about 30 seconds and boom your out.


  1. unlucky my home button is broken do you have any idea?

    1. hold the power button for 30 seconds then release and press it within the same second and it should power on if it doesn't i will try to find another way so you don't have to replace your home button. but one question how did you get it in soft dfu mode without a home button?

    2. im in soft dfu mode right now trying to fix it without the home button

    3. HELP mine wont get out of it no matter what please help

  2. i got into soft dfu mode because i accidently disconnected it when it was booting tethered i have a iphone 3gs with a broken power button
    please send any messages to my email please help i need this please just help :')

  3. Mines in soft DFU mode too D: Ive been trying to fix it all dayyy

    1. have you been holding the home and power buttons?

  4. My home button sometimes work sometimes don't

  5. Mine iphone 4 is also stuck in soft dfu mode after i tried to downgrade from 5.1 to 4.3.3, i identically selected shsh blob of 4.3.3 with firmware of 4.0. i us ed sn0wbreeze to create a signed ipsw and when i tried to flash it with itunes it proceeded till the very end and just before completion it failed and it is now stuck in soft dfu mode. I have tried the above method no luck plz help me.

    1. hi bilmax.I've experienced the same issue while i was upgrading my iphone 4 from 4.3.3 to 6.0.1 and preserving baseband cz I rely on a turbo sim unlock.long story short,my device got stuck in soft dfu mode.I've tried all the known tools(tinyumbrella,fix recovery...)nothing worked.finally,and by pure hazard,I tried in redsnow 9.12b2 to enter pwnd dfu.the first time it refused to.on the second try,it started the process and put my device in pwnd dfu.Then I was able to restore on iTunes with a custom firmware 4.3.3 cz I didnt want to go through that headach again.Hope that will help.

    2. thanks you very very much....

    3. if i restore my ipod dont show apple icon only make a noice when you plug in your ipod help plz?

    4. Whoever you are, thank you very very very much. You're a lifesaver, Anonymous.

  6. oh my god instead of iphone i was dead until seeing your post thank u alooooooooooot

  7. I searched the whole internet to get this solution.
    Thanks a ton. you saved me !!

  8. I don't know how I got into soft dfu mode, I was just listening to music and I was put in it, I booting it and what not, still doesn't work, HELP!

  9. ipod 4g did a sn0wbreeze custom ios 6.0.1 with shsh stitched when ireb is turned on it automatically starts and stays black screen help plz??????

  10. Anonymous! I thank you a lot! That help me from my iPhone 4 stucked on soft DFU mode. I attempted to upgrade my iOS from 5.1.1 to 6.0.1 using sn0wbreeze 2.9.8 but suddenly after the restoration process my device just turned black screen. So i have to use iBooty to boot my device but it didnt work. I tried other ways to fix this but none gave me success. But i found your post it really helped me a ton! Thank you!

    1. Guys, for those who are using iPhone 4 and wanted to upgrade your iOS to 6. Don't yet upgrade unless your device is Factory Unlocked. iOS 6 is really designed for iPhone 5 but still have lots of bugs. Apple is still working on it for a great iOS revision. :)

  11. That's curious I had no idea about this until I saw this article of yours here. Will you be so kind and provide an answer to my question. Do you own any helpful information about how to defend your blog posts from being stolen?

  12. i'm on 3gs 6.1 soft dfu mode . i'm using 0.9.13dev4 , click extras > pwned dfu (many time until its exploit) . then , you can restore by itunes ;) totally work for me .

  13. Thanks - I was going a bit crazy trying to get out of this. I'd attempted power & home for ~10 seconds without success - but this phone has a flaky power button.

    Held it (HARD) for about 15s, and it booted. *whew*

  14. Thank you so much for this.. I was getting to the point where I had exhausted every possible method and was about to sell my iPod for parts, only to come across this and find the solution was something so simple!

  15. I want to downgrade 6.1.3 itouch 4 to 6.1.2 but after the restauration, my itouch is on soft DFU Mode ! When i try redsnow 0.9.13dev4 for pwnd DFU, i have the error 1600... Help!

    1. I'm in the same situation please help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    2. The only Option is to go back to 5.1.1, redsn0w doesn't Support IOS 6.x at the Moment. We have to wait for a new Version, damn I spend the whole night to fix my f**ing old iphone 4! Ah and don't try to restore with iTunes, I recoverd and jailbreaked my phone to 5.1.1 back again only with redsn0w.

    3. download iREB here

    4. ymm you can use red sn0w for ios 6.x all you need is a 6.0 ipsw (downloadable almost anywere google it) then in red sn0w go to extras select ipsw and select the 6.0 ipsw and you can then use it to enter pwnd dfu


    1. pls reply soon

    2. didn't work for me!
      but I didn't give up
      I turned redsn0w on and connected my damn #3GS to my PC and pressed DFU PWNER and pressed both home and pwer untill I saw the "next" botton is avalible then I simply released the power botton and kept pressing the home for like 15s and bomb I'm on DFU mode and got the hell outta that softstuff mode

    3. download your device's firmware here
      and redsn0w 0.9.15 b3 here

      then go to redsn0w
      extras>>ipsw (that you downloaded)>>just boot
      and hold power and home button for 10 seconds, without release home button
      continue holding for 10 seconds and redsn0w will recognize your device

      if you continue having problems, please question again
      sorry for my english

  17. didn't work for me!
    but I didn't give up
    I turned redsn0w on and connected my damn #3GS to my PC and pressed DFU PWNER and pressed both home and pwer untill I saw the "next" botton is avalible then I simply released the power botton and kept pressing the home for like 15s and bomb I'm on DFU mode and got the hell outta that softstuff mode

    1. go to redsn0w
      extras>>ipsw (that you downloaded)>>just boot
      and hold power and home button for 10 seconds, without release home button
      continue holding for 10 seconds and redsn0w will recognize your device

      if you continue having problems, please question again
      sorry for my english

  18. thank you

    you saved me

  19. i have a fucking iphone 4 in soft dfu with a broke power button plz help i tried redsn0w i booty n itunes nothing help plz help!!!!!!!!!

  20. my phone is stuck in soft dfu mode and I do not have an lock button so what shall I do ?

  21. get ios 6.0 ipsw and get redsn0w the latest version. then go to extras select ipsw and select ios 6 ipsw. and then jailbreak and just boot
